GOUDE Policy

Shipping & Delivery within the U.S.

Free U.S. Shipping on orders over $100

All orders will be processed in 1-3 business days from your order date. Business days are Monday through Friday, and exclude holidays. 
Shipping charges are processed with your order and charged at the time of purchase. U.S. orders are shipped via USPS.

Shipping Outside the U.S.
International delivery times are estimated to be 7-14 business days, but please note that delivery time may vary substantially depending on time spent in customs. The recipient of the shipment is responsible for any taxes, customs duties and fees that may be applied by the destination country.

Errors and Shipping Delays

All shipping addresses much match billing addresses or the order will be cancelled. If you do need to change the shipping address of your order, please send an email to sales@goude.co and we will help you ASAP. All address errors must be reported within 24 hours of order placement.

We are not be responsible for shipment delays due to weather or other natural or environmental factors. We will ship out products within the specified time frame promised. 

Returns & Exchanges

Due to the delicate nature of our products, we do not offer exchanges or refunds. We throughly inspect all orders and product before shipping. If your order arrives damaged, or incorrect, please send an email to sales@goude.co within 3 days of receiving your order. All orders are the costumers' sole responsibility after 3 days. 

GOUDE is not responsible for any possible reactions to accessories from, incorrect care or excessive wear.

Please read product descriptions throughly for metal types and plated quality information. For proper care and wear guidance, visit our Care page. If you have specific questions about our jewelry send an email to sales@goude.co and we will assist you!